Ukraine's Efforts to Reclaim Lost Territories in the War with Russia

Many times in the last two years, 2023 and 2024, we have received the words:

“Do not fight against Babylonians. You will not succeed.” 

This word is about Ukraine's vision of victory over Russia, which some still hold, and it's about sending new people to fulfil this vision while attempting to regain the lost territories.

This word is not about the loss of all of Ukraine´s territories; it is not about the total defeat of Ukraine and resignation to protect their country. It is not about resignation to the defence. It is primarily and mainly about that vision to regain all territories or sometimes even win and defeat Russia, to put down the Russian regime. Some can see it as appeasement, and many will have other usually legitimate arguments.

However, if God said that word, and I believe He did, nobody will be able to change the results. 

“Do not fight against Babylonians. You will not succeed!”

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