COVID-19 - It Is Not the End - Your Prophets Spoke to You Their Own Visions

covid19bOn 14 April 2022, I got this word for all people who believed that the Covid-19 would soon finish, and the number of victims would not be big because some leaders told them so. Some leaders, prophets and people stood against warnings about high numbers of victims that would be affected either by Covid-19 itself or the things happening around this infection.  When we do not see the threat, we are not so quickly moved to listen to other instructions on how to be prepared, prevent coming danger or make the coming damage smaller. 

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We Need to Know When Something Is a Judgement of God that It Is So

jerusalem 108849 960 720When the pandemic started, there were many opinions. This situation in itself is a normal thing in the Bible and the world. There were always different interpretations about the source of various disasters or tragedies. In this case, we are speaking about this pandemic. I don’t want to talk now about whether it was from nature or a laboratory. Or what country “gave” it to the world. These are important questions too, and I have my opinion based on something I see. Nevertheless, this article is about the importance of asking for the spiritual source of this pandemic.

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The Stream of False Prophecies About Donald Trump

There were presidential elections in the USA in November 2020. And there were also many prophecies about Donald Trump being elected for the second term. It came from the people respected in quite large circles in the USA (not only there) as prophets. And many others agreed with it. The stream of those prophecies was so strong that some people still said it would change even after he was not elected. Some of them were saying it fully and clearly. Some others were saying it in the way as "God has not finished yet and his time is just coming" and so on. By this, they were encouraging the faith for the miracle of Trump being somehow "reelected". (President Trump claimed the election falsely counted. There was a possibility for judges or those who did new countings in some states to bring some new results.)

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Benny Hinn and His Teachings, His Renouncing Some of His Hyper-prosperity Heresies

bennyhinnBenny Hinn was in 2015 in Prague.

I called to organizers a few days before the conference and asked them if they are really sure he would come (I called the wife of an organizer of this conference, she picked up the phone there). I strongly felt he would not come but they promised and confirmed he would be there.

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Afghanistan - NATO, Taliban, Al-Qaida, ISIS

afghanistanAfter 11 September 2001 and airplanes suicide attacks on the World trade center in the USA  began the war in Afghanistan. The USA and over 40 other countries, with many countries from NATO, started their operation "Operation Enduring Freedom". The Taliban, an Islamist organization, who practically ruled Afganistan at that time was "defeated" and the Afghan government with more democratic tendencies was established.

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Über die Initiative des Kompromisses mit dem Wort Gottes und dem geistlichen Ehebruch

orelahad2bWürden Sie die Vergebung von jemandem akzeptieren für seine Organisation verlassen, whenn diese Organisation in bestimter Zeit die Bibel verbrannt, lebende Menschen verbrannt, wahre Christen true zu Gottes Wort verbrannt, Geld durch Wahnvorstellungen und Drohungen für Kriege gesammelt und die Bevölkerung gewaltsam terrorisiert hat? Wie Sie sehen, ist diese schwer zu glaubende Sache passiert. "Wir vergeben Ihnen Protestanten, dass Sie die katholische Kirche verlassen haben" im Text des Dokuments der Initiativen, die mehrere tschechische Führer und ihre Freunde ergriffen haben und die vorhaben, weiter in die Kirche mit es einzudringen.

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Take My Warnings Seriously!

God gave me these words. If you are among the people to whom these words were addressed I would recommend you to take it seriously. 

„Therefore, you kings be wise: be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.“  (November 2016)

"Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all who live in this world, both low and high, rich and poor alike."   (1 August 2018) 

"Hear this, all you peoples; listen, all who live in this world."  (4 November 2019)

"Take my warnings seriously!" (23 March 2020)

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Prophetic Perspectives 1 - COVID-19 in Early Prophecies 2020, the Message to the USA

We want to share with you the prophetic messages we received in the first part of 2020. If some people believed it earlier maybe they would not be disappointed later. It is even possible that if people who stay in the authority and government with the support of the people who understand the times understood this better the numbers of victims could be a little smaller. The part of this video message is to and about the USA. 


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